Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Sabbath is not a day of rest

Today was one of those Primary substituting nightmares. Oh my gosh. First of all I volunteered Friday to substitute for a primary class that none of my kids are in. I thought I had no good reason to say no so I said yes. Yesterday I remembered that today I was hoping to get a bunch of recipe cards from people in Relief Society so I DID have a good excuse. It would only make my life more convenient so it wasn't an absolutely perfect excuse and the people I was subbing for left town Friday. Too late to back out, darn it!

They split the CTR 8 into 2 classes. We have subbed for the one with Elisabeth in it and that is pretty low key, one or two hyper boys but this class has like 4 CRAZY kids! Boy did they play off of eachother too. You know those days when you want to come home and cry? This was one of them.

I learned a little something today, next time, when someone asks if you will substitute their primary class and you don't have to cause your kid isn't in it? SAY NO! Especially when you have subbed for other classes and observed that class from a distance and thought, I am glad my kid isn't in that class so I don't have to sub for that one.

I also have 13 ladies who I need to get recipes from by the end of tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Sam's birthday I would like to get it done by tonight. So far that doesn't look likely. So after I leave here in a few minutes I am going to pick up 3 ladies cards and call it good for today. I called all of them and that is the best I can do. Substituting for primary is about all I can handle of "sabbath day rest" for one day.

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