1. He is thoughtful and seems to think before he acts or speaks
2. Sensitive to others feelings
3. Likes to learn new things,
4. Likes to teach others these new things
5. He is a good student, works hard and respects his teachers and peers
6. A good friend to his sister and to everyone in the family. A fun guy to have around.
7. A good example to his brothers and sister
8. Has broad and adventurous tastes in food
9.He wants to please his parents, he seems to honor and respect us.
10. He is a little reserved, but not too shy to play the piano for his school class or make new friends
1. She is all girl. she likes to play princess and dress up and loves the color pink
2. She can be one of the boys too
3. She is matronly and likes to take care of people, especially Sam
4. She is very affectionate and loveing, full of hugs, kisses and "I love you"s
5. She is artistic. She has an eye for design and color.
6. She is great company. I will often take her with me even if I don't have to..just because I want to.
7. She is a good friend and makes new ones easily
8. She loves to have fun and is full of smiles.
9. She is a great conversationalist. Loves to use big words
10. She is a drama queen. She isn't afraid to be the center of attention but admits to being shy too.
1. He is a prankster. He often has a mischevious gleam in his eye.
2. Life is a game, he likes to have fun doing whatever he does. When he is happy, he shows it very well.
3. He often thinks of the comfort and happiness of others
4. He is eager to be helpful and please others
5. He laughs easily
6. He is very determined when he wants things
7. He is independent but not too independent
8. He is a little dancer and comedian, he makes us laugh a lot
9. He is all boy with his love of cars and trains
10. He makes friends with others easily, old and young alike
1. He loves to adventure. With each step of independence he seems to relish in his new freedom
2. He has an adorable smile that comes often and easy.
3. He is very affectionate
4. He has interesting taste in food. Dislikes things all the other kids loved (bananaas and cheese) and likes things the other kids didn't (almost anything, but most specifically meat)
5. He likes to be held by other people making him fun for everyone
6. He is my only blond baby, a different color hair then any of my other kids....a change
7. He is cautious and careful
8. He is pretty happy anywhere we go. especially if we do anything outside of the house
9. He is an esecape artist and keeps us on our toes
10. He is a mild mannered, content, and easy kid