We had two trips this summer. The first was to St. George to visit Tim's Grandpa Nix. Tim's mom was helping to take care of him while his wife was on a trip so we were able to visit her while we were there too. We had fun in Zion National Park one day we were there. The other excitement was Tim wearing shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes to Sacrament meeting (we didn't think we were going to church so we didn't pack for it). Lincoln ended up yelling "HUZAH!" in the middle of a talk and yelling "MOMMY!" across the room another time. Thank goodness it wasn't our ward at least, but poor Grandpa. He has to go back to these people every week. It was fun visiting with them.
Our other vacation was to Laughlin Nevada for a Nix Family Reunion. We spent half a day and a night in Las Vegas on the way. While in Vegas we ate at In-n-Out Burger which is always a treat. Even more exiting than that however was riding the Star Trek Experience. We went on both rides. We did the parent swap where I went with Elisabeth and Tim went with Joe. If you ever do the parent swap with your children on this ride, go on both rides and let the other parent wait outside of the attraction. Trade after you are all done or you will end up waiting in line the whole time with restless kids. You are stuck there. The rides were pretty fun though.
The next day we went to Laughlin Nevada and joined the reuinion already in progress. We stayed at the Edgewater Hotel Casino. While we were there we had a lot of good opportunities to catch up with aunts, uncles and cousins, nephews and neices. We also had my whole husband's family together except unfortunatly Amber's husband Sandi.
It was fun to have a lot of other Mommies with strollers. When we went to see "Cars" I knew I would be in the hallway in no time but I knew I wouldn't be alone. I wasn't Spencer and Samuel are the same age and 1 year olds and movie theaters do not mix. Mom's of small kids have a different experience on vacations and I knew I was in good company.
The highlights of the trip were the Apples to Apples midnight game and our trip to Oatman Arizona. This ghost town is named after Olive Oatman, someone in Tim's geneology. Neat story. We also went to Casino College that was interesting and fun. Now I know what I am seeing when I watch James Bond movies. Hopefully noone becomes addicted to gambling now that we know how to play the game.
1 comment:
You tell a different story from Tim. Always fun to hear from you.
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