Monday, June 01, 2009

On the Run

Last year I got into running on a treadmill, I was doing great, running 20 minutes straight. . then the rec-center closed for its annual maintanance. I hit the real pavement. . or maybe it hit me. I was humbled to see that tread mill running and outdoor running are not the same. I went back to the treadmill when the Rec-center opened again, but I kind of lost my steam.

Earlier this spring I realized I liked the inside track, it was softer on my joints, but at 5:45 am I often just didn't feel up to running. I discovered that when I did run the stuff that stressed me out about my day was less stressful after I ran. I stopped thinking about it just for a few minutes which gave me a different perspective. I realized that if I was in a bad mood, running was the very thing I needed.

Then exercise went out the window entirely for 1 1/2 months. After a while I started missing running and weight training. But I have yet to miss getting up at 6 am to do it. I decided to try it another time of day. I have discovered afternoon running is awesome. I am already awake, warmed up and I have stress that needs relieving. It is my time of the day.

Tim bought me some trainers, for our anniversary to replace my Wal-mart shoes that I am not even sure are running shoes. I warned him that getting me better quality shoes would not necessarily be a wise gamble. . it may not motivate me to run. Well, I was wrong. Running in those shoes one time converted me. Since then I have started a training program and have been faithfull to it for 4 weeks. I love it and I get anxious waiting for the next run. I am hooked. It is nice to be hooked to something good for me for once.

I am doing a running program in "Running Made Easy" (awesome book by the way ) and it makes it very doable and very fun. My only complaint is it might be too easy. But this way, at the end of my run I feel energized, but want more . . which is AWESOME! The first few weeks you run a minute, then walk two minutes and repeat a few times and each week you add one more 3 minute running/walking session to what your are already doing. In two weeks it will turn to two minutes running two minutes walking. Instead of dreading that I keep looking at the schedule wondering how many more weeks I have to wait.

My favorite part of running is the take off. Those first few seconds of speed increase. As I am getting more in shape, that feeling lasts the whole minute I am running, and I am watching the clock for the whole two minutes of walking, wanting to run again. Currently I am entertaining the idea of running a 5K when I finish the program in 6 weeks. I am not the competitive type though, so I am not sure I would like it very much. The fact I am even thinking about doing it is progress for me though.


Robin said...

That is so great that you love running! Seriously, I was thinking there is no way I could love running, but your program definitely sounds doable...even for a wimp like me. I might have to give it a try after I have this baby. It won't be long now.

Rebekah said...

That does sound like an awesome running program. I want to check that book out now. I can attest to the difference between treadmill and real running. I can run thirty minutes on a fair incline on the treadmill at our leasing office, but I tried running a bike path yesterday with Brenna in a stroller and I made it only 10 minutes. It wasn't even up hill.

Sarah said...

I'm so excited for you! You're an inspiration.

B.K. Stanley said...

Very impressive Kristin. The picture is beautiful too.

Andrea B. said...

Yeah!!! I'm glad your enjoying it, and it sounds like the new shoes helped.

You should run a 5k. You don't have to be competitive, it's more to say you can do it!!! Find a cheap city one to do (usually tied to their "Day's" like PG's Strawberry Day's). They usually aren't very expensive.