Sunday, April 12, 2009

Every Grey Cloud Has a Silver Lining

I have to admit the lego incident has had one positive result. Somehow, next to that, potty training doesn't seem so bad. I have been dealing with it (It=Sam, wearing underwear during the day) two days now, clean-ups and all and I think I have reached that point where it is worth it to me to grit my teeth and bear it. It will get worse before it gets better, but I think I am just going to push on through it. The trecherous path of underwear, with lots of unpleasent accidents is the only way I am going to get to that glorious pasture of no more diaper changing. I hope it doesn't take 9 months this time. . . . Please??


Robin said...

We (or shall I say *I*) am dealing with this, too. Two kids and no more Pull-Ups (except for bedtime and church, pretty much.) I also got to that point where I figured it's not going to change until I do something different. It is going OK, but geez I hate potty-training! Good luck!

Andrea B. said...

I hate potty training - good luck!

Rebekah said...

Sam was doing really well while we were there. It will have some rough patches, but just remember the no more diapers part. Good luck!