Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'll Show You Mine Part II: The Ocean of Laundry

My defense is , I had guests at the time and didn't want to spend hours in my bedroom catching up on folding the laundry. I have since caught up. I just wanted to share with anyone out there who might think they are the only one. Noone else has to share. I understand not everyone wants to show their laundry over the internet, even if it is clean. Last time all I got was my sister-in-law who took a picture of her clean kitchen! Thanks Rebekah!!!!! :)

I have decided house work is like surfing. Or how I imagine surfing. I have never actually surfed. I can't even swim, which doesn't speak well for this particular post.
There are those moments or even days when I feel elation, I am on top of it, riding the wave and I feel great. I wonder how I got up there and how I can stay. But I know in the back of my mind it can't possibly last. I will have to come crashing down again. There is always that inevidable wipe out. Most of the time I am swimming in an ocean of housework that has somehow piled up again around me, as I wonder how the heck I got on that past wave and how I can do it again.


Shell said...

You're still doing better than me. I'm just dog-paddling--perpetually.

Heidi said...

Is that laundry in your bedroom? I made this mistake again recently. If I let clean laundry pile up in my bedroom, it becomes a never ending problem that I can't seem to catch up on. I am happy to say that my laundry folding area in the basement is functioning once again. I fold the laundry right out of the dryer and last time it got backed up because John was piling the clean laundry on my folding/sorting table when I wasn't feeling well and then I had no where to fold/sort so the pile got bigger and bigger. I think John is on board now.

Rebekah said...

I'm so glad you didn't fold your laundry. We had so much fun visiting you guys. I really really hope we'll see you again soon. :D

I had a gigantic pile of laundry on my bed today, but I didn't read your post until after I'd folded it or I would have taken a picture for you.

I can't let the laundry pile up in my room because there isn't anywhere to put it. I hope that will change soon.

Wendeloo1 said...

Amen, sister! Laundry is EVIL!