Thursday, April 30, 2009

Milestones Part II

Ironically I had a blog entry eerily similar to this one in March. Last time it was Lincolns birthday and Elisabeth learning to ride her bike in the same week. This time it was Sam's birthday on Tuesday and Lincoln learned to ride his bike today. Tim thinks it might have something to do with desperatly wanting attention equal to the birthday child.

This time I got to witness the maiden voyage. How exciting it is to watch your kid learn something new that will bring them so much enjoyment and self-confidence. I missed Elisabeth's first ride because I was knocked out sick. I got to call Tim and tell him the exciting news.

I can't believe Sam is 4 either. He recieved his wish of everything yellow, except some presents were other colors of the rainbow but I think he forgave us for that.


Sarah said...

How cute! I love when kids just want a color for their birthday.

B.K. Stanley said...

Sorry I'm so behind on reading blogs,etc. Hopefully Sam had a great birthday. I hadn't realized that he wanted a color for his birthday. Congratulations to Lincoln on learning to ride his bike.