Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Cold by Any Other Name Part II (warning: I whine A LOT in this entry)

I suppose that by writing a blog like the one I wrote last October, I pretty much cursed myself to the blog I am writing today. YES! Last October I DID have a cold. That is why I didn't think antibiotics were necessary. Today and the two previous days, I have had a Sinus Infection. It sounds so sinister, BECAUSE IT IS!!! What I had last October WAS misery. What I have now is more like torture. When coughing makes you want to cry, because it makes your head hurt so bad, when getting out of bed and moving your head a quarter inch makes you want to cry, that is a Sinus Infection.

I have never had a sinus infection before. Why did it have to start on a Friday afternoon? It wasn't until Saturday morning I realized what exactly I was dealing with. Do I go to Urgent care today and pay $30 for a visit when I know if I call my doctor tomorrow morning she will call me in an antibiotic prescription without even a visit (she just saw me on Wednesday and said she would call in something if I ended up needing it). On the one hand it will just go to my cafeteria plan, AND I could start my cure earlier, on the other hand it is another doctor appointment. I have Advil and Zyrtec-D so I don't always feel this bad, I can probably survive another day. But should I?


Robin said...

I had a sinus infection once, and it was so miserable that I've chosen to never have one since. ha ha Ironically, it was during Spring Break when my doctor decided to take the entire week off. I don't know what to tell you--if you can wait til the morning, suffer a little longer? I don't think so.

Unknown said...

I am telling you, next time you go to the doctor ask for some celebrex samples. They are the ONLY thing that makes the pain from my sinus infections manageable until I get on an antibiotic. Take this from a person who had a sinus infection so bad they gave her a cat scan. Seriously. Do it.