Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Parenting Styles and Religion

I saw an interesting poll on the news yesterday. It talked about the state of religiosity in America. 81% of Americans claim to be a member of some religion. 44% change their religion in their life time. They pointed out a lady who left the Catholic church to join an Evangelical church. The news reporter said it was because it had less rules. This report really made me think about religions and parenting styles. They really apply. Religions teach that we have a God that has rules. The way these religions enforce these rules, and how they depict God are in a way a parenting style of their own. I realize I am leaving out Eastern religions, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam etc. I don't know enough about them to include them in this comparison. I am only referring to Christian religions in this blog.

There are Authoritarian parents and religions that have high control, low affection. They are demanding and controling. They are likely to say "Do it because I am the parent and I say so!" The Catholic religion is the best example of that style of religion, that I can think of. They have a lot asked of them but their doctrine doesn't stress so much a loving and approachable God. You could say this style emphasises justice.

Then there are the Permissive parents and religions. There are two styles of Permissive Parenting: Permissive- indulgent (low demand, high affection) and Permissive-indifferent (low demand, low effection). I think there is no religion that reflects the indifferent style. That is having no religion at all perhaps. Permisive-indulgent parenting style is low control and high affection. These parents and religions don't make a lot of demands on their kids or members but teach how much Jesus loves them. Evangelical churches tend to have this style of "parenting" This style emphasises mercy.

The most effective style of parenting according to social sciences is Authoritative. This style has both high levels of affection and high demands. The LDS church is a good example of this style. A lot is expected from it's members but they are taught that their Heavenly Father loves them very much. They are invited to be close to Him and their Savior Jesus Christ. Their religion also does not have a "Do it because I say so" attitude They are allowed to ask questions and find out for themselves that something is good and true. They are commanded even to do so. This style is an equal balance of justice and mercy. ----- Original Message -----


Unknown said...

Very interesting. I have to say though I'm a bit partial to the authoritarian style of parenting. That probably explains a lot. :)

Rebekah said...

Very interesting. Have you read the book "10 Secrets Wise Parents Know" by Brent Top and Bruce Chadwick? It's definitely an authoritative perspective to raising children. I learned quite a lot from it. I think it is definitely the healthiest way to raise well balanced children who have self confidence, a sense of responsibility, and know how to work for what they want.

Andrea B. said...

Interesting thoughts. And yes, Snow Grill is from IKEA.