Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Updates. . if you care

I wrote a few blogs this summer that I wanted to talk about how they have been coming along...if you care
1. Square foot gardening: Then

2. Working out: No "then" and "now" pictures here, sorry. I have lost a discouragingly low amount of weight...like 3 lbs I think. On the other hand as I remarked before I feel a lot stronger, have more endurance. I love feeling fit. In an earlier blog entry I complained I didn't know if I should get more pants in my skinny size or fat size? Now my skinny pants ARE my fat pants. So hooray! THAT is progress. For the first few months of working out I kind of just did it more to build the habbit...I didn't care how hard I worked as long as I was there. It wasn't all that fun because I wasn't seeing any real results and wasn't pushing myself at all. Then the last month, we decided to get up 15 minutes earlier so we could get a whole 1/2 hour of cardio and do weight lifting and that my friends has made all the difference. I am seeing results AND about the same time decided to put some running into my cardio and have increased the amount pretty steadily. Today I ran 25 minutes straight....30 total at 5.3mph. Not much to brag about but when I compare my progress I am thrilled. I find I am really enjoying it and my enthusiam about working out has returned. I am thinking of throwing away my scale.

3. Cats: Our kittens are doing very well. Last Tuesday they were neutered poor guys. They are as frisky and energetic as ever but they seem a little different. For one...Clouseau the orange and white one would try to make a break for it every time the door was opened...he hasn't even tried once since the surgery. I wonder if it just scared him to the outside so bad. We havn't had any potty accidents since the first week or two which I am very pleased by. I wont say I am totally in love with the idea of animals in the house...when I hear other people talk about being against it...I think...yeah I really am too. I am not a cat lover either. I do enjoy having them around, they are more fun and less trouble than I feared they would be. I think they are defintely easier than dogs. Except that one of my cats just came along just now and walked all over the key board while I was trying to type this. My only real annoyance with cats is having to keep doors closed. The doors to the outside and my bedroom at night. I just can't get past the idea of them walking all over my face at night. It hasn't happened yet...but I think it would freak me out if they did. Tim is annoyed with that but patient for now.


CarrieAnne said...

Our cat has NEVER walked on our faces. She's walked on stomachs and legs but never faces. Mostly she meows and annoys us when she wants out at 4 am.

Andrea B. said...

Wow - are you happy with your garden, or is it a little harder to get to?

The exercise stuff is great. In fact Tim told me today you bought a book on Running. Congrats. I need to do more weight lifting/strength training.

Glad your doing well with the cats. You give me hope that I might be okay with pets eventually.