Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today it occurred to me that Lincoln knows his name well enough now that I could have him read his name on our books about Abraham Lincoln and realize he had the same name. Then I could explain to him who he is named after. I asked him if the name looked familiar. He said it didn't. Then I had him spell out his name and pointed out the letters as he said them. He got excited when he realized he had the same name.

Elisabeth almost said Abraham Lincoln was a president but I told her not to because I had been waiting all this time until he was old enough to to appreciate and I wanted to be the one to tell him. Yeah, I am selfish. So I told him that Abraham Lincoln was a President of the United States and did very important things. This is his response
Lincoln: You should tell Dad!
Me: I think you should tell dad... he would think it is cool that you are so excited.
Lincoln: But I am not.

I waited 5 years for this day. . . for him to know he was named after an important person. Apparently I have to wait a little longer if I want him to actually appreciate it.


Heidi said...

I have had a similiar experience and I was really disappointed that my child did not seem to care about something I thought was so great.

Andrea B. said...
