Thursday, May 01, 2008

Family Pictures.

Here is a family picture from last December. Tim was just playing around with his camera after church. Poor Sam got the sun a little too directly there.
Here are Eric, Me, and David in California a year ago.

This is Eric and Angie on their wedding day last December.
I hope my brothers and sister don't mind me posting their faces on my blog but I wanted to share with those who havn't seen us in a while some recent pictures and wanted to show off my new sister in-law. She is awesome!


Sarah said...

Awesome! I didn't know Eric was married. Thanks for the pictures.

Robin said...

Just like the good ol' days...only we're not in Provo anymore..and, of course, there are the later additions. Otherwise, it's just like the good ol' days. ;)

Heidi said...

It's fun to see pictures of your family! It seems like you get to see your brothers a lot. That is so nice! I miss being really close to family. I grew up with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins living right next door and across the street and I miss it! Thanks for sharing!