Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Book Tag

My sister-in-law tagged me with this one. This time it is a little less time consuming however. Here are the rules
1. Pick up the nearest book (with at least 123 pages) or the book you are currently reading
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the next three sentences
5. Tag 5 people

"As the healthcare system went into crisis, nearby hospitals had begun to refuse more and more of the bottom rung of patients because they couldn't afford to care for people without insurance. In earlier days, these other hospitals had covered a certain amount of the expense of that care and the federal reimbursement policy for the care of the poor had been more generous. Now the homeless who showed up in these other emergency rooms were shipped out to the community system immedietly, as the long term care facilities in the country had decreased, the demand for beds in this hospital had become intense. "
Of Two Minds: An Anthropologist looks at American Pyschiatry by T.M. Luhrmann. Chapter Three, The Culture and it's Contradictions

I tag:

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