Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I need a break

I seem to have a low tolerance for stress these days. Today I went to a meeting for planning our ward cookbook. I was the only one who brought kids. My kids were actually ok. I was impressed until the end when they went bolting down the hall of this sister's house and into the master bedroom. AAAGH. That, plus muffin crumbs on the floor, smeary finger prints on her windows and taking a self guided tour of the basement was enough to make me say. OK. I deserve a break. . . .for the rest of the day. I know, I have no idea what stress is.


Andrea B. said...

Every time I take my kids visiting teaching with me, I am reminded of why I dread doing it. Let me just say permanent marker and leave it at that.

Kristin said...

Like I said, I don't know what stress really is. I am sorry. I want more details on the story about the permanent marker, if retelling it wont bring back the Post Traumatic Stress disorder that I am sure it brought on. Sounds like it deserves a blog entry of it's own.

Robin said...
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Robin said...

P.S. Did you get a break?

Kristin said...

NO! I didn't. It was a pretty crappy day all in all, but that is ok..Days like yesterday make boring days good days!